
What is Healthy Weight Loss?

It doesn’t take much to know that weight management is a very big medical issue in the United States today. With the majority of Americans either over-weight or obese, we have an epidemic on our hands.

Dr. DeCosmo is well aware of the issue and very familiar with its management. He has been helping patients with weight problems for almost 30 years. Techniques have changed since he first started but is still the same premise; change lifestyle with good nutritional knowledge and weight comes off.

Dr. DeCosmo has been able to help thousands of patients in his career and is quite proficient in the art and science of weight loss. He is the Chief Medical Officer of the ITG Diet Company which helps thousands of clients, nationally and internationally, with achievement of ideal weight.

These are difficult times for the weight conscious as there is much information regarding the “best” program or the “best” diet or just the next passing fad. Who do you turn to for good, reliable information? Dr. DeCosmo has been able to help anyone that comes to him in a motivated fashion

Health Risks of Obesity

  • Heart Disease
  • Stroke
  • Diabetes
  • Kidney Disease
  • Infertility
  • Sleep Apnea
  • Hypertension
  • Stomach Issues
  • Cancer
  • Spinal Degeneration
  • Arthritis
  • Depression
  • Dementia
  • Anxiety
  • Breathing Difficulties
  • Heart Failure

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Solutions for Healthy Weight Loss & How We Can Help

st-petersburg-weight-loss-solutionsIf losing weight were easy, 70% of Americans would not have an issue and the multi-billion dollar diet industry would fall on its face. It is not an easy thing to lose weight in today’s environment.

Every major food seller is getting into our heads to entice us to eat their product. Then, the weight loss companies entice us to lose!

Holy rock and a hard place, Batman!

To Diet or Not to Diet?

Dr. DeCosmo fully understands the issues that his patients have in this process. That is why he has a simple program that is custom tailored to each individual and no one size fits all! Dr. DeCosmo does not believe in putting some one “on a diet;” because once “on the wagon” you can just as easily “fall off the wagon” and goodbye diet!!

Dr. DeCosmo’s approach is to change your lifestyle to a more healthy and beneficial one. This would include all aspects of daily living including diet, sleep, stress, etc.

Another big barrier to weight loss is toxicities including:

  • food or food allergies
  • heavy metals
  • hormone toxicity
  • and organic toxins, like BPA

Dr. DeCosmo can show you where dietary pitfalls abound and how to avoid them. He is firmly of the belief that a well- informed individual is a weight controlled individual. He has helped thousands of people and he can help you too!

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